Product Description
Airport Information:
Runway 02/20:
Dimensions: 1900′ x 90′
Surface: Turf
Runway 09/27:
Dimensions: 2600′ x 125′
Surface: Turf/Asphalt
Runway 15/33:
Dimensions: 1800′ x 100′
Surface: Turf
Prior Permission Required (PPR):
PPR is required to use the Bunkhouse.
COVID rules and guidelines apply.
Contact: Kevin Layden (President)
Phone: 902-476-3052
Jim Ward (Airport Manager)
Phone: 902-632-2404
Stanley Sport AvnPhone: 902-632-2251
Under-the-wing camping is welcomed.
Bunkhouse available with advanced notice.
NON potable water available from the Bunkhouse.
Bunkhouse has 8 bunks, washroom, and shower for transient pilots and passengers.
Dry outhouse available.
Fire pit with plenty of free firewood.
Local Services:
Numerous good restaurants, takeout, and pubs within 20 kms.
Closest car rental is Stanfield Airport.
Additional Notes:
No employees on-site.
Some members are often on-site, camping in trailers.
No services on-site, but call in advance to see if some arrangements can be made.
Free tie-downs.
No charge for the Bunkhouse, but donations are welcome.