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Underwing camping – Saugeen Municipal Airport

Saugeen Municipal Airport - CYHS

Airport Information:

Runway 01/19: 4001′ x 75′, asphalt.
Runway 09/27: 2502′ x 50′, asphalt.
Prior Permission Required (PPR) from Airport Manager Filomena McDonald.Contact: 519-364-3220,
Bring your own tie downs and wheel chocks.


Pilots’ Lounge open 24/7 with computer, WiFi, shower, and potable water during office hours (8-4).
COVID restrictions may apply; call ahead.
Outdoor patio with picnic tables.
Restaurant currently closed (mid-July 2021).


Local taxi available; 5-minute ride to Hanover for restaurants, shopping, casino, fishing, trails, and camping.


Fuel types: 100LL, JetA.
Tie-downs on grass or park on apron available.


Saugeen Municipal Airport


No landing fee for General Aviation (GA).
Overnight parking fee for all aircraft: $15.00/night.



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